Oh summer……why have you gone so fast?!
Please, stay here just a little bit longer.
Please?? PRETTY please?!?
Don’t be over yet!!
As a mom who homeschools her kiddos, I have VERY much enjoyed my summer break, and I am not quite ready to get back to school yet. So, to make going back to School a little easier….I present to you: First Day of School Printables!! 🙂

They have a few fun questions you can ask your kiddos to help you remember this current time. There is even a space for a photo. You can fill in the space with your child’s answer, or you can have them fill it out so you can even keep the cute memory of their sweet hand writing! Although….at this point I don’t know if I could read what my 6 year old wrote….so I will stick with filling in the answers for just one more year…I will just have him write his name for now. 🙂

These are downloaded as 2 separate PDF files. One bundle for theFirst Day of School and another bundle for the Last Day of School. You can PIN these photos to make it easier on you to find again in the Spring when it’s time to print off the next sheet.
There is a sheet for the first day and last day of each elementary school year.
The grades included are:
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
If you want to see some more grade levels please let me know! I am happy to add onto this fun bundle. Hope you  enjoy printing these out and capturing the different stages of your cute kiddos.
If you just happen to need a super fun photo for your First Day of School printables, I’ve got you covered there too. Back to School Minis are coming up on September 18th and 19th!! I may not be ready for school to start, but I am ready for some Back to School Minis ….those are WAY more fun, and adorable than doing school work. 🙂

ENJOY!! And hopefully this helps makes school starting a little more FUN!!
– – – – – -UPDATE!! – – – – – –
I am so happy that so many of you are enjoying these printables. A few of you have requested some for the older kiddos, so here you go!!
I have now made up FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL bundles for Jr. High and High School!!
You can download those here:
First Day Of School Printables – 7th thru 12th grade